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NYC Baby Botox

As a safe and effective tool for getting rid of lines and wrinkles on the face, Botox has become the most widely performed non-invasive cosmetic procedure in America. Over 7 million patients received Botox injections in 2018 alone! However, if you are worried about getting a full dose, have you considered trying Baby Botox in NYC instead?

Dr. Judith Hellman and her expert team located in NYC, near Central Park, are dedicated to helping men and women shed years off of their appearance by preventing further wrinkles without the need for invasive surgery. Better yet, they do so while leaving you with the most natural-looking results possible.

How Does Baby Botox in New York Work?

By injecting a diluted solution of Botulinum Toxin, doctors are able to temporarily paralyze muscles in the face, stopping expressions and contractions that commonly cause fine lines and wrinkles. By the time the muscles have regained movement in the face, patients usually develop the habit of limiting contractions, further preventing future wrinkling. Facial muscles are unique in that they are attached directly to the skin tissue of the face, unlike most other muscles that attach to the bone.

This gives Botox the uniquely effective ability to manipulate the look and movement of the face by paralyzing the muscle tissue just under the skin. NYC Baby Botox works in exactly the same way. However, instead of using a full unit, Dr. Hellman injects a lower dose, thus leaving you with fewer wrinkles while maintaining your natural appearance. These “baby” doses are increasingly popular among younger adults who want to prevent wrinkles without looking frozen.

How Young Can Someone Start Baby Botox Treatment?

In recent years, Baby Botox has become more and more popular for NY patients in their 20s and 30s who want to begin preventative facial skincare. Wrinkling is normal when someone is emoting or showing expressions on the face. The problem arises when the lines become permanent. As a general rule of thumb, some doctors propose that NYC Baby Botox should first be considered when lines and wrinkles appear while the face is at rest. In a recent study published by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Botox injections for patients between the ages of 22-37 have risen by 22%. Furthermore, the FDA has even approved Botox for use in individuals over the age of 18. Many New York doctors treat minors for migraines and excessive sweating using Botox with the consent of a parent or guardian.

Risks and Side Effects of Getting Baby Botox in New York

Getting Baby Botox in New York is generally safe and effective, but there are inherent risks associated with any cosmetic procedure. Slight bruising and swelling are common, yet temporary, side effects of a Botox treatment. Dr. Hellman performs a full skin analysis on each of her patients to ensure that they are a good candidate for the procedure. She will also ask you if you have any allergies or skin conditions.

Why Choose Dr. Hellman for Baby Botox in NYC

Dr. Hellman is the obvious choice for anyone in the market for Baby Botox treatment in the Central Park, NYC area. As a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience, Dr. Hellman specializes in Botox and other facial cosmetic treatments. We charge by area, not by unit, so our NY Baby Botox patients can rest assured knowing that there will not be upcharges for each additional touch up. In order to ensure comfort and trust between our doctors and patients, we provide additional touch-ups free of charge if a patient is unsatisfied with their results. To see for yourself the incredible work Dr. Hellman and her New York practice achieve on a daily basis, check out our before and after page. If you are interested in preventative Botox or to achieve smooth, natural looking skin, contact us or fill out the form below.

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