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Best Skin Tightening Treatment (woman photomodel)

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Refirme Skin Tightening NYC

This revolutionary technology combines radiofrequency (RF) and infrared (IR) light in such a way that they work on the skin simultaneously and synergistically, surpassing the benefit of each by itself. Refirme™ ST has quickly become a great favorite for my patients who want to have tighter and firmer skin on the spot, without the side effect of visible post treatment marks.

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How does it work?

The RF and IR combine to generate energy which gently heats the deeper layers of the skin. The result is an immediate tightening of the collagen in the treatment area, resulting in a visible lift. The wow effect is so great that I like to show my patients the treated side half way through the treatment, to let them compare with the untreated side. No one so has far asked me to stop in the middle for lack of an effect!

Does the Refirme™ ST have long term benefits?

Yes, very much so. The skin perceives the treatments as a sign of need to regenerate and rejuvenate itself, and starts producing new collagen, which can last up to 6 months after each treatment. The increased collagen production works to improve and support the skin’s structure, leading to firmer skin, diminished lines, decreased sagging, tighter pores and better skin quality all around.

Are the treatments dangerous?

This is one of the safest technologies around. The technology is designed in such a way that there is no chance of the laser effecting unwanted areas of the skin, and can be safely used on the entire face (except the eyes which are covered with special goggles) and on the body.

What areas can be improved with Refirme™ ST?

Refirme™ ST can be used to gently tighten and lift the nasolabial folds, the jowls, elevate the eyebrows and by extension the upper eyelids, resulting in a more “open” looking face. The neck is also favorite area for many. Some patients have requested the treatments for tightening the belly button area, the inner thighs, the upper arms and around the knees. It has even been used for non-surgical breast lifts. I also use it for acne prone skin to decrease pore size and stimulate collagen production to help diminish acne scarring.

How does the Refirme™ ST compare with other skin tightening treatments?

Refirme™ ST is a no downtime, painless procedure, using the so-called bipolar technology of RF. What this means is that the distance that the RF can travel can be predicted with great accuracy. This becomes important around the eye area, such as lower lids or crows feet, where it is important to know just how close to the eye the treatment can be safely preformed. Similarly, when treating the neck for a lift, it is important to know that the RF will not travel deeper than desired and result in uneven skin due to reaching the fat under the thin skin of the area. This is just the opposite of what has been seen over the years with technologies utilizing monopolar RF, such as Thermage. Monopolar RF technology relies on dissipation of the RF energy by the tissues of the body. For this reason, it is hard to predict how far and how deep monopolar RF can reach, and what unwanted areas it can get to.
The Titan technology uses IR without the RF. These treatments take a significantly longer time than those with the Refirme™ ST, and do not have an immediate tightening effect. In general, the treatments are also more costly than Refirme™ ST.

Do I need anesthesia for the Refirme™ ST?

No, absolutely not. Refirme™ ST is a gentle treatment, requiring no pain relief with topical or other forms of anesthesia. This is quite different from the Thermage treatments, which are rather unpleasant and are often not tolerated without the help of an anesthesiologist. This increases the cost, not to mention the risk.

Would you recommend Refirme™ ST treatments for everyone?

Any patient with minimal to moderate sagging is a good candidate for this lift without the knife. I treat women and men, ages ranging from their 30’s and into their 70’s, since almost everyone can benefit from the improvement in the quality of the skin resulting from the treatment. The only patients who are not good candidates are those with pacemakers, because the RF can interfere with a pacemaker device.

How many treatments will I need?

Initially, a series of 6 treatments, 2-4 weeks apart are ideal. I also have patients coming in before special events such as parties, media appearances, weddings or just special dates to get a quick pick-me-up (pun intended….) to impress.

Are the treatments expensive?

No, these are very reasonably priced treatments, with packages available for a series of treatments as well as for combining areas such as the face and the neck.

Do you combine the Refirme™ ST with other treatments?

Yes. For some patients, it is beneficial to combine Refirme with filler and/or BOTOX® & Dysport® injections. The treatment can also be combined with other laser modalities. This can often maximize outcome and help prolong the effect of each treatment combined over their individual lifespan. When using combinations, special discounts are often applied to the cost of each treatment alone.

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Before & After Photos

RefirmeTM ST - Before & After Photos - Female, left side view
RefirmeTM ST - Before & After Photos - Female, frontal view

*Results may vary

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Would you recommend Refirme™ ST treatments for everyone?

Any patient with minimal to moderate sagging is a good candidate for this lift without the knife. I treat women and men, ages ranging from their 30’s and into their 70’s, since almost everyone can benefit from the improvement in the quality of the skin resulting from the treatment. The only patients who are not good candidates are those with pacemakers, because the RF can interfere with a pacemaker device.

How many treatments will I need?

Initially, a series of 6 treatments, 2-4 weeks apart are ideal. I also have patients coming in before special events such as parties, media appearances, weddings or just special dates to get a quick pick-me-up (pun intended….) to impress.

Are the treatments expensive?

No, these are very reasonably priced treatments, with packages available for a series of treatments as well as for combining areas such as the face and the neck.

Do you combine the Refirme™ ST with other treatments?

Yes. For some patients, it is beneficial to combine Refirme with filler and/or BOTOX® & Dysport® injections. The treatment can also be combined with other laser modalities. This can often maximize outcome and help prolong the effect of each treatment combined over their individual lifespan. When using combinations, special discounts are often applied to the cost of each treatment alone.

Written by Dr. Hellman on 2/5/2020

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Judith Hellman

About the Author

Dr. Judith Hellman is a board-certified dermatologist and an associate professor at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Her passion for people shines through when consulting on a diverse range of medical skin conditions and how these may affect health, aesthetics, and self-esteem. Dr. Hellman has lectured globally and has authored many journal articles. Her fluency in English, Hungarian, and Hebrew helps enhance multilingual communication for many dermatology patients in NYC.

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