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Home » Medical Treatment » LEG VEINS


Spider veins on the legs can spoil the summer look for the young as well as the less-young. The injection of these purple marks using a special solution is a highly effective way of eliminating them. The treatment is performed with a tiny needle and is considered PAINLESS! You should start well ahead of the summer, since often several sessions are needed to achieve the desired look. For those of you who really HATE needles, lasers can also treat these blemishes.

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Judith Hellman

About the Author

Dr. Judith Hellman is a board-certified dermatologist and an associate professor at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Her passion for people shines through when consulting on a diverse range of medical skin conditions and how these may affect health, aesthetics, and self-esteem. Dr. Hellman has lectured globally and has authored many journal articles. Her fluency in English, Hungarian, and Hebrew helps enhance multilingual communication for many dermatology patients in NYC.

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