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Vaginal Rejuvenation & Tightening with Votiva


Votiva Is the Latest Innovation in Feminine Health & Rejuvenation

Votiva is a safe, gentle, non-surgical solution for feminine health with no downtime. Dr. Judith Hellman is one of the first cosmetic dermatologists in the country and the only one in New York to offer this cutting-edge technology to her patients.

Votiva is a great choice for women who want to:

  • Tighten the vaginal canal
  • Enhance vaginal muscle tone, strength and control
  • Increase sensation and stimulation during intercourse
  • Reduce stress urinary incontinence (involuntary dripping of urine)
  • Reduce dryness
  • Reduce pain caused by labial hypertrophy


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At our office, Only Board Certified Dermatologists See Patients & Perform Treatments

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Vaginal Rejuvenation Testimonial

“I’m a 44 year old woman who has had two very large vaginal deliveries (9lbs each). I also struggled my entire life with a recurring urinary tract issue which was rarely an infection but felt like one consistently. After the birth of my second child (when I was 32), the sensation of the frequent need to urinate to relieve pressure and, more notably, pain increased! In addition, when I would laugh or cough, I would find myself urinating just a touch in my underwear. I saw a urologist for five years regarding these issues and was diagnosed with interstitial cistitus. For anyone who doesn’t know what that is, please google it and you will find testimonies ranging from women who have pain for days after intercourse to those who have trouble performing their everyday tasks because of the discomfort and need to urinate so often, not to mention any embarrassing accidents! I tried alkalining supplenets, a few courses of different antibiotics, changing my diet several times, taking laxatives daily to relieve pressure on my bladder… but it wasn’t until I used the vaginal wand for one month (four times a week only) that the issue I have had in some form my entire life went completely away. It is GONE. No dribbling, no pain, no pressure, no frequent need to urinate! I can drink water at night again and still sleep soundly for eight hours!! I would say it is a miracle but it is a technological one. I still can’t belicw it. It has been two months since that month and I’m still in the clear. THANK YOU!” – HF
*Results may vary

Is Votiva Right for you?

Every year millions of women seek treatment for the uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing symptoms associated with weakened vaginal muscles. Symptoms like reduced sexual satisfaction and problems with urinary incontinence, as well as loose skin and vaginal protrusions can all have a negative effect on your self-esteem, your sexual enjoyment and your physical comfort.

Giving birth, getting older, and losing a lot of weight can all contribute to poorly supported vaginal structures, characterized by sagging, laxity, and discomfort. Childbirth and aging , resulting in the widening of the vaginal canal, can also contribute to decreased sensation and stimulation during sex, as well as to hypersensitivity, dryness and pain.

During vaginal rejuvenation, the walls of the vagina are strengthened and tightened, restoring contour, enhancing muscle tone and improving the physical appearance of the entire vaginal area as well as external structures (labia minora and majora).


Rejuvenation with Radiofrequency Technology

With the emergence of new technologies there are new, comfortable, non-surgical options for women who wish to address their vaginal aesthetic and health concerns.

Votiva, which utilizes Radiofrequency (RF) technology, is a safe and effective treatment that is quick and comfortable and allows patients to avoid the surgical risks and down time of Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty.

Votiva Treatments – Now Available in NYC

At her NYC office, Dr. Hellman employs two Votiva technologies that can be used independently or simultaneously:

FormaV – Gentle Thermal Tissue Remodeling (Internal and External)

FormaV is a painless, non-invasive, sub-dermal heating procedure that feels like a warm massage. During treatment with FormaV, comfortable and uniform Radiofrequency (RF) heating is applied to the internal vaginal canal and external vulvar tissues and enlarged labia. The flexibility of the FormaV technology allows for precise treatment that restores tightness, reduces dryness, and improves the overall appearance of the area for comprehensive vaginal renewal. Patients see results immediately, with continued improvements over the following weeks. As collagen is produced, elasticity aids in tightening the vaginal walls, helping to increase friction that improves sexual satisfaction for both you and your partner. This is a treatment that has patients and their partners raving about the outcome.

One of the greatest side benefits is an improvement in stress urinary incontinence. Many women experience an involuntary escaping of drops of urine upon coughing or without any special reason. Votiva treatment strenghtens the muscles of the pelvic floor and helps reduce the problem. This is a major difference from other technologies, such as the Mona Lisa Touch, which cannot deliver this kind of outcome due to their very different technology.

Treatments also help restore moisture to the vaginal area, resulting in decreased discomfort due to dryness, especially during sexual intercourse.

FractoraV – Fractional Radiofrequency Contraction (External)

FractoraV uses customized fractional Radiofrequency (RF) energy to improve vaginal skin tone, wrinkling and texture, tightening and resurfacing the external vaginal tissue for optimal vaginal appearance. The bi-polar RF treatment allows for gentle but full depth heating via microneedles, and improves elastin and boosts collagen. The resulting tightening of the external tissue not only feels better but looks more aesthetically pleasing as well. The treatment is a confidence booster for many women who suffer from asymmetrical or “floppy” labia but don’t want to undergo surgical treatment.

What to Expect during your Votiva Treatment

Patients can expect to feel a heating sensation during treatment. Results can be felt and seen immediately, with continued results over the following weeks. Dr. Hellman recommends two sessions about 3-4 weeks apart, with occasional maintenance treatments every 6-12 months if needed.

Is There Downtime Afterwards?

Depending on the intensity of the treatment, there is little to no downtime. Some patients may have slight discomfort during and immediately after FractoraV treatment. Most patients will experience no discomfort at all.

How Many Votiva Sessions Will I Need?

In consultation with Dr. Hellman, a treatment plan will be customized for you. The majority of patients have 2-3 sessions, however most notice a difference after only one treatment. The number of treatments depends on your treatment concerns, your personal goals and if you plan to use a single treatment approach or combination approach utilizing both FormaV and the FractoraV.


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At our office, Only Board Certified Dermatologists See Patients & Perform Treatments

Super Doctors Expertise 10 Top Top Doctors 2025 logo Best of 2023 certificate appreation judith hellman
Vaginal Rejuvenation Testimonial

“I’m a 44 year old woman who has had two very large vaginal deliveries (9lbs each). I also struggled my entire life with a recurring urinary tract issue which was rarely an infection but felt like one consistently. After the birth of my second child (when I was 32), the sensation of the frequent need to urinate to relieve pressure and, more notably, pain increased! In addition, when I would laugh or cough, I would find myself urinating just a touch in my underwear. I saw a urologist for five years regarding these issues and was diagnosed with interstitial cistitus. For anyone who doesn’t know what that is, please google it and you will find testimonies ranging from women who have pain for days after intercourse to those who have trouble performing their everyday tasks because of the discomfort and need to urinate so often, not to mention any embarrassing accidents! I tried alkalining supplenets, a few courses of different antibiotics, changing my diet several times, taking laxatives daily to relieve pressure on my bladder… but it wasn’t until I used the vaginal wand for one month (four times a week only) that the issue I have had in some form my entire life went completely away. It is GONE. No dribbling, no pain, no pressure, no frequent need to urinate! I can drink water at night again and still sleep soundly for eight hours!! I would say it is a miracle but it is a technological one. I still can’t belicw it. It has been two months since that month and I’m still in the clear. THANK YOU!” – HF
*Results may vary

Super Doctors Expertise 10 Top Top Doctors 2025 logo Best of 2023 certificate appreation judith hellman

Written by Dr. Hellman on 2/5/2020

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Judith Hellman

About the Author

Dr. Judith Hellman is a board-certified dermatologist and an associate professor at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Her passion for people shines through when consulting on a diverse range of medical skin conditions and how these may affect health, aesthetics, and self-esteem. Dr. Hellman has lectured globally and has authored many journal articles. Her fluency in English, Hungarian, and Hebrew helps enhance multilingual communication for many dermatology patients in NYC.

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