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Acne Scars Treatment NYC

Best Non-Invasive Treatment for Acne & Acne Scars

The NYC Morpheus8 microneedling treatment is a revolutionary new technique that effectively treats acne and fades acne scars. This advanced acne and acne scars radiofrequency treatment device penetrates the deeper layers of the skin to activate the regeneration process.

Dr. Hellman was one of the first dermatologists in the city to introduce this advanced, non-surgical acne treatment that combines microneedling with RF energy. It has also proven to be effective on older acne scars.

Dr. Hellman on ABC News, Discussing Laser Acne Treatments

Acne Scars Treatment that is Safe for ALL Skin Types

As Morpheus8 RF acne treatment does not target skin melanin, it is safe to use on all skin color and complexion types. The RF technology’s silicon-coated pins work in the deeper layers of the epidermis and do not affect the upper skin layers. As a result, pigmentation is avoided as these layers are more protected from the effects of the heat. The skin also tends to become smoother over time with many of Dr. Hellman’s patients having less visible scars which keep improving as time passes, even without further treatments.

Benefits of Microneedling RF for Acne Scars

The Morpheous8 treatment works at a deeper skin level than an average microneedling session. In combination with the RF energy, it activates the skin’s natural healing process – stimulating collagen production which may continue for up to 6 months even after the last treatment. As a result, many patients experience further improvement after their treatment has been completed.

Additional benefits include:

  • A smoother skin texture
  • Acne scars appear to be shallower
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem
  • Short treatment time and minimal downtime
  • Can be used on all skin types

Dr. Hellman performed a number of before and after biopsies on selected New York patients which revealed a 50% reduction in scar depth after only 4 sessions!

Dr. Hellman explains her approach to treating acne

Enhancing RF Microneedling Treatment With PRP Therapy

Complementing Morpheus8 microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy can further elevate the effectiveness of acne scar reduction. PRP, derived from your own blood, contains growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and collagen production, making it an ideal pairing for Dr. Hellman’s Morpheus8 microneedling treatment.

How Does PRP Enhance Morpheus8 Microneedling for Acne Scars?

During treatment, PRP is applied topically or injected into the treated area. Morpheus8’s micro-injuries created by RF energy provide an optimal pathway for PRP absorption, ensuring deeper penetration. PRP’s growth factors work synergistically with Morpheus8’s collagen-inducing properties, promoting faster healing and skin rejuvenation.

Recovery, Benefits and Considerations

PRP therapy alongside Morpheus8 typically involves minimal downtime, with mild swelling or redness lasting a few days. Patients can resume regular activities soon after treatment. The combined approach often leads to several benefits, including:

  • Accelerating the body’s natural healing process
  • Noticeable improvements in acne scars
  • Improved skin texture and tone
  • Reduced downtime

By considering PRP therapy in conjunction with Morpheus8 microneedling, individuals seeking effective acne scar reduction can achieve impressive results. Platelet-rich plasma therapy may however not be recommended to individuals who have certain medical conditions, including Hepatitis C, blood cancer, HIV or AIDS, and more. Book a consultation with our New York office to determine the best approach for your unique needs and skin type.

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Acne & Acne Scars Treatment Results

Woman's face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, front view, patient 1
Woman's face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, right side oblique view, patient 1
Woman's face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, right side oblique view, patient 2
Woman's face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, right side oblique view, patient 3
Woman's face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, right side oblique view, patient 4
Woman's face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, right side oblique view, patient 5
Woman's face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, right side oblique view, patient 6
Male face, before and after Morpheus 8 Treatments, right side oblique view, patient 7

*Results may vary

Downside of Traditional Acne Treatment

There are definite risks to treating acne with oral medications and often do not deliver the long-term results desired.

Mild to Moderate Acne

This type of acne is usually treated with oral antibiotics as well as topical agents. However, antibiotics normally provide only partial improvement and potentially have their own side effects as well. A downside to consider is that the acne might flare up again once the medication is withdrawn.

Cystic Acne

This is a more severe type of acne that is traditionally treated with Accutane. This medication is known to have a long list of potentially severe side effects and therefore very tightly controlled by the FDA via the iPledge program. Accutane has to be taken for 6 months, accompanied by required monthly pregnancy and other blood tests, a low cholesterol diet, and consistent monthly follow-up visits.

Mild side effects such as sun sensitivity and excessive dryness of the skin can also pose a problem. Accutane is difficult to tolerate in the summer due to extreme sun sensitivity and in the winter due to cold, wind, and dry indoor airconditioned air.

Many patients experience an acne flare-up after completing their 6-month Accutane treatment period and often need a second 6-month treatment protocol, with some even requiring a third one.

Frequently Asked Questions

I heard that fractional CO2 lasers such as the Fraxel offer the best solution for pitted acne scars. Why use Morpheus 8 for acne scars?

CO2 lasers are specifically not suitable for darker skin tones due to the high risk of developing significant pigmentation developing after treatment. Morpheus 8 lasers do not target skin melanin and can be safely used on all skin color complexions and deliver better, more consistent results than the CO2 laser.

How do I know the number of acne treatments I will need?

Although an average of 4-6 sessions is required for most patients, the number of treatments is more dependent upon when the treated areas no longer experience acne breakouts and continues to remain clear. Book a consultation with Hellman Dermatology for a detailed acne treatment plan.

Are all lasers alike?

Not at all! Most light sources (which are what lasers are considered) focus on P. Acnes, a microorganism that lives in the sebaceous glands and is considered causative in the red (inflammatory) pimples in acne. Once treated by a light source, P. Acnes temporarily disappear from the sebaceous glands and the acne seemingly stops. However, P. Acnes recolonize the sebaceous glands after a period of “recovery” time, and the acne flares again. This happens with various LED-type treatments as well as IPL and other similar devices.

Are acne treatments covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for acne treatment depends on the type of treatment required. It is best to consult a dermatologist for a consultation to determine which treatment may be best suited to you and whether your insurance will cover it.

Dr. Hellman’s NYC office is conveniently located near Central Park. Book your acne scars consultation with Hellman Dermatology for the best acne treatment plan.

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Written by Dr. Hellman on 2/5/2020

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Judith Hellman

About the Author

Dr. Judith Hellman is a board-certified dermatologist and an associate professor at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Her passion for people shines through when consulting on a diverse range of medical skin conditions and how these may affect health, aesthetics, and self-esteem. Dr. Hellman has lectured globally and has authored many journal articles. Her fluency in English, Hungarian, and Hebrew helps enhance multilingual communication for many dermatology patients in NYC.

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