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Home » Laser Treatments » Laser for Acne

Dr. Hellman tests all the latest technologies and incorporates the most effective acne laser treatments for her NYC office. She uses Morpheus 8 and Fractora to clear your acne and acne scars. New York Times and several local news shows have interviewed Dr. Hellman about her acne treatments. She has also trained physicians around the world in using lasers to address stubborn acne conditions.

Watch Video - Dr. Hellman Features her Acne Laser Treatments on ABC News

Dr. Hellman Features Fractora Acne Laser Treatments on ABC News

Please review her actual patients’ before and after photos to see what she can achieve for you.

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Acne Treatment Benefits with New Technologies

There are a couple of exciting new technologies we have been using, called Morpheus 8 and Fractora. These are fractional technologies, using radiofrequency (RF) divided into microspots. The treatment is delivered via very thin needles that enter the skin and deliver the RF deep into the skin. This is the most effective way to heat and disable the sebaceous glands in the skin, hence decreasing oil production and the resultant pimples which follow.

The RF technology not only treats the acne itself but can also help improve acne scars.

This happens because the needles, as well as the RF-generated heat, prompt the skin to produce greater amounts of collagen after each acne laser treatment. As a result of the increased collagen production, most patients see visible changes in the texture of the skin, including shallower scars and an overall smoothing effect. A number of before and after biopsies performed on selected New York patients have shown a reduction in the depth of scars by about 50% after 4 sessions.

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At our office, Only Board-Certified Dermatologists See Patients & Perform Treatments

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Before & After Photos

Laser for Acne: Before & After Treatment Photos - Female patient, frontal view, patient 1
Laser for Acne: Before and After Treatment Photos - Woman face patient (front view)
Laser for Acne: Before and After Treatment Photos - Woman face patient (frontal view)
Laser for Acne: Before & After Treatment Photos - Female patient, frontal view, patient 4
Laser for Acne: Before and After Treatment Photos - Woman patient (right side, oblique view)
Laser for Acne: Before and After Treatment Photos - Woman patient (frontal view)

*Results may vary

Morpheus 8 and Fractora RF Considered “Color Blind”

These acne treatments are safe for all skin types. RF devices do not target a particular color in the skin, and are considered “color blind”. This means that they can be used, albeit with caution, on dark complexions.

Additionally, the RF technology also utilizes silicon-coated pins, which spare the top layers of the skin, and only work in the deeper layers. As such, the epidermis is more protected from the effects of heat, and the risk of pigmentation problems is typically avoided.

PDL Acne Laser

PDL (Pulse Dye Laser) is an older but effective acne laser that targets the red color in the cystic lesions on the skin. Red is the color of inflammation, supported by blood vessels that bring nutrition and oxygen to the cysts. Once treated with PDL, the cysts lose the support needed for their existence and go away.

As every acne patient knows well, the cysts tend to recur in the same spots time after time. Once the infrastructure that supports them is no longer available, cyst growth can be controlled. This is the reason for the long-term results experienced by most of my patients.

PDL More Affordable, but Not Ideal for All Skin Types

The PDL acne laser works well for patients with light to medium-/dark brown complexions. Very dark (African-American) skin is at risk of picking up too much of the laser energy by the pigment in the skin, and developing light or dark spots after the treatment. PDL often requires more sessions and has a longer downtime when compared with Morpheus 8 and Fractora. At the same time, PDL is still popular with patients and is a more affordable option.

ABC News in NYC - Interview about PDL Acne Laser

ABC News in NYC – Interview about PDL Acne Laser

The Downside of Traditional Acne Treatments

Traditional acne treatments with oral medications, depending on their severity, carry their own problems, such as:

  • Mild to moderate acne is handled with oral antibiotics as well as topical agents. The antibiotics usually provide only partial improvement of the acne; however, antibiotics have their own potential side effects.

    Worst of all, once withdrawn, the acne usually flares up again. To my dismay, I often see young people who have been on oral antibiotics for many years. I consider this a bad long-term strategy for a young person, for obvious reasons.

  • Cystic acne, which is more severe, is traditionally treated with Accutane. This is a medication with a long list of potentially severe side effects and is therefore very tightly controlled by the FDA via the iPledge program. Accutane has to be taken for 6 months, accompanied by required monthly pregnancy and other blood tests, a low cholesterol diet, and consistent monthly follow-up visits.

    In addition, even the milder side effects, such as excessive dryness of the skin and sun sensitivity, can be a problem for some patients. Accutane is hard to tolerate in the summer due to extreme sun sensitivity and in the winter due to cold, wind, and indoor dry air due to heating.

    Worse than that, many patients experience a flare-up of acne after completing the 6 month treatment period for Accutane, and often need a second 6-month treatment protocol, and some even require a third one.

Watch Video

Fractora RF Microneedling Patient

Acne Treatment FAQ

How do I know the number of acne treatments I will need?

It’s hard to predict the exact number beyond the average of 4-6 treatments for most patients. The end of the series comes when the skin simply stops breaking out in the spots treated and remains clear from one monthly visit to the next. Book a consultation with Hellman Dermatology for a detailed acne treatment plan.

Are all lasers alike?

Not at all! Most light sources (which are what lasers are considered) focus on P. Acnes, a microorganism that lives in the sebaceous glands and is considered causative in the red (inflammatory) pimples in acne. Once treated by a light source, P. Acnes temporarily disappear from the sebaceous glands and the acne seemingly stops. However, P. Acnes recolonize the sebaceous glands after a period of “recovery” time, and the acne flares again. This happens with various LED-type treatments as well as IPL and other similar devices.

Are acne treatments covered by insurance?

Insurance doesn’t pay for lasers, which we believe are the best acne treatments. Therefore we maintain the pricing of PDL acne laser at an affordable price. This way, young students and young professionals can afford them without having to mortgage their future to look good in Florida.

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Written by Dr. Hellman on 2/5/2020

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Judith Hellman

About the Author

Dr. Judith Hellman is a board-certified dermatologist and an associate professor at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Her passion for people shines through when consulting on a diverse range of medical skin conditions and how these may affect health, aesthetics, and self-esteem. Dr. Hellman has lectured globally and has authored many journal articles. Her fluency in English, Hungarian, and Hebrew helps enhance multilingual communication for many dermatology patients in NYC.

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